What Is Wealth To You?
We must each find our own definition of wealth and happiness. For some, it is an insurmountable amount of financial abundance and pure luxury. For others, it is the peace, harmony, and freedom that this life has to offer from within. But what about health? It is an asset that makes us feel vulnerable, mortal and fragile—that anything can happen at any given time. Once our health is threatened or impacted, everything changes!
The quest to find and sustain excellent health is one that many individuals search for, especially active, amateur or pro athletes. They intuitively know that keeping up with joint health and agility is the core of maintaining top performance and a happy, healthy active lifestyle.
Your health becomes the essence of your being as well the sole dictator of what kind of life you’ll lead. Excellent health is wealth. Without excellent health, how can one work, live, travel, and enjoy the pleasures of life? To be healthy, pain-free, mobile and in optimal condition is what the average person desires as true happiness.
As time passes, each of us will inevitably age. Our bodies will break down and we’ll have injuries, pains, aches, tears, and sprains. Our knees may give out. Our arms can no longer lift heavy things. It is the natural process of life and “wear and tear” of our bodies calling us to take care of ourselves as a priority.
Sports injuries, knee replacements, and back pain are common maladies we see at the Goswami Clinic. The question is: What are you willing to do to repair, rejuvenate or restore your body to its fullest capacity and top performance?
Regenerative stem cell therapy has become one of the top minimally-invasive, safe and effective pioneering treatments in today’s modern medicine. It has proven to recover injured individuals fully and with little downtime, allowing the body to regenerate and heal itself.
Some people will wait and prolong the pain and agony. Some will not find value monetarily for such a treatment, but my question is how much are you willing to pay to have a life-long result that will benefit and fortify you throughout your lifetime? A treatment can be the same cost as a cruise or that European trip. But what will last is a treatment to revitalize your body, that is, a body that you will live in every day and will allow you to live the active lifestyle you want!
If you experience an injury or other health event, take a moment to reflect on the kind of life you want. What kind of sports medicine doctor do you want?
What kind of safe, effective treatment is considered holistic and regenerative? What have other patients experienced? These are some questions to ask yourself when the time comes, or better yet, to prevent injuries from getting worse. It starts with your value of health and what price you are willing to pay for it.
Based in Newport Beach, CA, the Goswami Clinic is an innovative sports medicine clinic lead by Dr. Gaurav Goswami, who treats sports injury, joint pain, arthritis, declining performance and more. Known for his non-conventional methods, Dr. Goswami specializes in regenerative sports medicine, providing advanced minimally invasive, non-surgical treatments to athletes of all ages and levels with the goal of returning them to optimal performance.
Learn more at www.The Goswami Clinic.com. Or call 949-734-9696 to request additional information.
If you’ve been injured and you want to investigate all your treatment and recovery options, schedule an initial 1:1 evaluation with Dr. Goswami.
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