Amniotic Stem Cells Facts vs. Fiction

Like the search for the Holy Grail, a symbolic quest for the meaning of life and eternal youth, discussions in the stem cell medical industry about the most potent stem cells available have created an ongoing buzz around amniotic stem cells. What are amniotic stem cells, and what’s the intrigue around them? Amniotic stem cells […]
Sports Injury Recovery: From Treatment to Rehab

Athletes understand that competing comes with a price of potential injury that could change their sports careers, especially if they don’t properly address their health conditions. Since athletes are mostly Type A personalities, excellence and relentless training come with an overwhelming toll. Fatigue and recovery from the competition and ongoing workout can be a hard […]
How Much Are You Willing to Pay for Excellent Health?

What Is Wealth To You? We must each find our own definition of wealth and happiness. For some, it is an insurmountable amount of financial abundance and pure luxury. For others, it is the peace, harmony, and freedom that this life has to offer from within. But what about health? It is an asset that […]