Goswami Clinic

The Spectrum of Regenerative Treatments

regenerative treatments

Sports medicine, or regenerative medicine, is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and offers an array of treatments and prevention of injuries related to exercise and sports. There is a wide spectrum of regenerative treatments that help people recover and return to their active lifestyles after an injury. Unfortunately, none of […]

Amniotic Stem Cells Facts vs. Fiction

Like the search for the Holy Grail, a symbolic quest for the meaning of life and eternal youth, discussions in the stem cell medical industry about the most potent stem cells available have created an ongoing buzz around amniotic stem cells. What are amniotic stem cells, and what’s the intrigue around them? Amniotic stem cells […]

Natural Treatments For Arthritis

natural treatment for arthritis

Arthritis is so common that 1 in 3 over the age of 30 and 1 in 2 over the age of 50 suffer from this debilitating disease. However, the most common treatments for arthritis only provide marginal pain relief and don’t focus on regaining peak functional ability. With those kind of outcomes, it’s no wonder that people suffering from arthritis are turning away from traditional procedures and looking for more natural treatments.

What’s Wrong with My Knee?

knee injury

With all our daily activities, sports, and mobile lives, our knees are our most prized assets for getting us around. We sometimes do not realize the pressure and strain we put on our knees and take it for granted until something gives.