Sports medicine, or regenerative medicine, is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and offers an array of treatments and prevention of injuries related to exercise and sports. There is a wide spectrum of regenerative treatments that help people recover and return to their active lifestyles after an injury. Unfortunately, none of these treatments are FDA approved yet.
The goal of regenerative medicine is to help you heal and give you a higher quality of life. It is best to assess the various types of regenerative treatments to determine which type is most suitable for your condition. Not all regenerative treatments are equal in value and effectiveness. Each regenerative treatment has its pros and cons based on scientific evidence.
The concept of regenerative medicine is regenerating damaged areas and repairing the cells. It’s a revolutionary approach that will change the way medicine is practiced. In many ways it’s similar to the discovery of penicillin in the last century.
Our bodies are full of regenerative cells. It’s a matter of knowing how to apply this concept in a non-invasive, natural treatment and in the safest and most effective way. With anything new, lack of standardization can make it confusing to the patients as to what treatment they are exactly getting.
It is becoming more and more common now for mushrooming stem cell clinics to use so-called external sources such as amniotic fluid, placenta tissues, and umbilical cords cells. Some even mis-label or call them baby cells; this gives a false impression that these cells may be more potent than one’s own cells.
Currently, a whole host of companies are providing an array of stem cells that are being grown in laboratories that sterilize, harvest and package the cells with added stimulants, which are chemicals that can biologically alter the cells. How much efficacy is present in these cells after package and production is an important question to ask. Sterilization does not guarantee a foreign disease from entering your body because it is introducing cells from someone else’s body. This can be risky.
Regenerative cells from your own body can be extremely safe provided they are harvested and isolated in a proper manner. Otherwise, they can be equally ineffective and even harmful. It’s high time the FDA regulates this industry before people lose faith in this wonderful discovery all due to the greed of a few snake oil salesman practices.
Stem cell therapies have great potential. Let’s not over-sell their promise without proper research and evaluation. Let’s establish standardized protocols and safety standards that can assure some uniformity for treatments.
The general intent of regenerative treatments is to regenerate and repair, not just provide symptomatic relief. Manipulation of cells such as adding chemicals or storing cells is neither safe nor effective. There is a risk of introducing foreign sources into your body.
A metaphor to illustrate a current array of regenerative treatments is to compare it to that of consuming fruit juice.
You can get fresh pressed juice from fruit itself, or you can get juice reconstituted from a concentrate, or you can drink something that is fruit flavored, mixed with other chemicals. Similarly in regenerative treatments, depending on the source of cells and concentration of application, it will determine great results or no results from that particular regenerative treatment. Make an informed decision by understanding the spectrum of regenerative treatments.
Based in Newport Beach, CA, the Goswami Clinic is an innovative practice lead by Dr. Gaurav Goswami who treats sports injury, joint pain, back pain, arthritis, declining performance and more. Known for his non-conventional methods, Dr. Goswami specializes in regenerative sports medicine, providing advanced minimally invasive, non-surgical treatments to athletes of all ages and levels with the goal of returning them to optimal performance.
Call 949-734-9696 to request additional information.